- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Shiro Ito, Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Shuichi Kitada. Stocking effectiveness of hatchery-released kuruma prawns estimated by two-stage sampling of commercial catch in Ariake Sound, Japan. Fisheries Science 72, 233−238, 2006.
- Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Paul G. K. Rodhouse, Graham J. Pierce, Warwick Sauer, Mitsuo Sakai, Louise Allcock, Juan Arguelles, John R. Bower, Gladis Castillo, Luca Ceriola, Chih-Shin Chen, Xinjun Chen, Mariana Diaz-Santana, Tadanori Yamaguchi et al. World Squid Fisheries. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 23, 92−252, 2015.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Yuji Kawakami, Michiya Matsuyama. Migratory routes of the swordtip squid Uroteuthis edulis inferred from statolith analysis. Aquatic Biology 24, 53–60, 2015.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Yuji Kawakami, Michiya Matsuyama. Analysis of the hatching site and migratory behaviour of the swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught in the Japan Sea and Tsushima Strait in autumn estimated by statolith analysis. Marine Biology Research 14, 105−112, 2017.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Takako Aketagawa, Mayumi Miyamoto, Naoki Hirose, Michiya Matsuyama. The use of statolith analyses and particle-tracking experiments to reveal the migratory routes of the swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught on the Pacific side of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography 27, 517–524, 2018.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose, Michiya Matsuyama. Migratory routes of different sized swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught in the Tsushima Strait. Fisheries Research 209, 24–31, 2019.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose, Michiya Matsuyama. Relationship between empirical water temperature and spring characteristics of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught in the eastern Tsushima Strait. Marine Biology Research 16, 93−102, 2020.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose, Michiya Matsuyama. The Sea of Amakusa playing the role of a distributor of swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) migrating from the East China Sea to the east and west sides of Japan. Fisheries Research 225, 105475, 2020.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose. Quantitative Relationships between Autumn Catches of Swordtip Squid (Uroteuthis edulis) and Oceanic Conditions to the East of Tsushima Islands, Japan. American Journal of Marine Science, 9(1), 16−25, 2021.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose. Influence of migratory route on early maturation of swordtip squid, Uroteuthis edulis, caught off western Kyushu Island, Japan. Fisheries Research 249, 106233, 2022.
- Ian G. Gleadall, Hassan Moustahfd, Warwick H. H. Sauer, Lahsen Ababouch, Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Jilali Bensbai, Isa Elegbede, Abdelmalek Faraj, Pedro Ferreiro‑Velasco, Roberto González‑Gómez, Carmen González‑Vallés, Tadanori Yamaguchi, et al. Towards global traceability for sustainable cephalopod seafood. Marine Biology, 171:44, 2024.
- Tadanori Yamaguchi, Hajime Matsui, Hisae Miyahara, Hiroshi Kubota, Naoki Hirose. Quantitative relationship of Sr:Ca of statoliths of the Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus) with empirical water temperatures. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 105, e14, 1–11, 2025.